sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008





Múmia - Udigrudi* Worldwide Animation Festival

As it is widely known, in ancient Egypt, mummification was used to preserve the corpse of important personalities,such as priests and wise men, by using balsamic substances – a way of sanctifying death as well as life, since what has been preserved in the pyramids and sarcophaguses – mummies, papyruses, decorative objects – constitute a true interface with not only some people’s lives but with a whole civilization.

The Múmia, by analogy, aims at preserving and making public the international production of animated movies,through open shows and panels which present facts and knowledge in the area,often produced by anonymous artists who rarely get paid for their work.Many of the movies which reach us through various ways, from different states in Brazil as well as from different countries in the world, would remain embalmed on the shelves of inefficient festival curators were it not for the cooperative spirit of Múmia, which is open to everyone without restriction.

The Múmia had a ‘fatter cows’ moment in its last edition (2005), when it was recognized by several sponsors, even if only partially. Today, as to its form, it does look more like a true mummy – a skinny, eaten up, feeble, meager individual.

But, in essence, its vitality is even greater, for hunger makes one salivate, become enraged and boiling mad!

It refuses to starve to death. The Múmia is not conniving, it refuses to be sold off to the Establishment. We regret the shortsightedness of politicians and businessmen, who only take into account obsolete media,with their relatively easy success, ensured by the relatively easy demands of those who relish a docile culture.

Someone must hold the stakes for experimentation, insurgency, vitality, criticism and difference!

We need you! And you need fresh blood!

It is not enough to go around criticizing government staff if tax returnable funds are allocated exclusively to official or institutionalized culture.

The moment demands the birth and management of new ideas and initiatives.

Even if they come from sarcophaguses, or from those who have been exhumed from shallow graves.

The 4th Múmia – Mostra Udigrudi Mundial de Animação (Udigrudi Worldwide Animation Festival)presents itself as a resistance movement.


The Festival is made possible with the support of institutions which are genuinely involved with the production and exhibition of short movies:

CRAV - Centro de Referência Audiovisual de Belo Horizonte / Museu Histórico Abílio Barreto / SESC / Laces / JK Sala Humberto Mauro - Fundação Clóvis Salgado / Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens de São Paulo

Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens de Belo Horizonte
Estúdios de animação - ICAIC - CUBA

To those who omit themselves, we invoke the curse of the Mummy:
those who paralyze life will be victims of dry and pestilent gangrene!

*“UDIGRUDI” – Portuguese slang word for “UNDERGROUND”.


Balanço - Jackson Teixeira - 1´50” MG
O Lobisomem - Márcio Sago - 5´42” SP
Clímax - Gurcius Gewdner - 2´ SC
Se toca, meu! - Alunos do Núcleo de Animação Marlim Azul - 5 ´ ES
Leonel Pé de Vento - Jair Giacomini - 15´ RS
Entrever o vento - Alexandre B. - 3´ MG
O Branco - Eduardo Perdido - 3´30” SP
O violinista de Danúbio - Caó Cruz Alves - 5´ BA
A flor da terra - Cristina Pinheiro e André Scucato - 7´ RJ
A garota - Fernando Pinheiro - 4´ MG
Vinet san - Jaca - 2´19” RJ
Para chegar até a lua - José Guilhermo Hiestz - 10´ SP

65 minutos


Essaúna - Jackson Teixeira - 2´10” MG
Leve-me ao seu líder - Nereu Cerdeira - 10´ SP
A última gota - Thiago Mallet - 3´49” MG
Brincando na aldeia - Alunos do Núcleo de Animação Marlim Azul - 4´ ES
O Poeta - Paulo Munhoz - 10´ PR
Agora mesmo outro - Alexandre B. - 3´ MG
A sagrada ameixa do Azerbaijão - Eduardo Perdido - 8´30” SP
Múltiplos - Adriane Puresa - 1´ MG
Bahianimada - Caó Cruz Alves - 7´ BA
A rosa - Gordeef - 2´40” RJ
A noite do Vampiro - Alê Camargo - 6´05” SP
Bandalheira - Sérgio Vilaça - 7´ MG
O sonho do ovo - Maurício Sabbi - 1´24” RS
A imaginação se foi - Artur Senra - 34” MG

67 minutos


As moscas também choram - Eduardo Perdido - 5´ SP
Os três porquinhos - Cláudio Roberto - 4´ RJ
Tyger - Guilherme Marcondes - 4´ SP
Devoção - Rafael Ferreira - 11´ CE
Historietas assombradas para crianças mal criadas - Victor Hugo
Borges - 15´ SP
Plutão - Sávio Leite e Clécius Rodrigues - 3´ MG
A morte do rei de barro - Plínio Uchoa e Marcos Buccini - 4´10’ PE
Pequenas histórias de lendas e mitos de grandes negócios: O Saci Pererê - Dedé e Leleu - 8´ MG
Eu vi o dia e a noite se encontrá - Eduardo Simioni - 1´45” RS
John, o ilegal - Arthur Senra - 5´44” MG
A revolta do lixo - Marina Sandin - 1´ MG

63 minutos


Joana, a tartaruga em: determinação - Eduardo Perdido - 2´30” SP
Parque animado - Edy Abreu - 1´ MG
A Espera - Ernesto Solis - 8´ RJ
Resto do ser - Rodrigo Simões - 2´23” MG
Patmos - Ric Oliveira - 11´ SP
Banheiro massa - Romero de Fonte - 2´50” PE
Pequenas histórias de lendas e mitos de grandes negócios: A Mula sem cabeça - Dedé e Leleu - 9´ MG
Retratos e borboletas - Yanko Del Pino - 10´ RJ
Sync - Thomas Larson - 1´26” SP
Sessão da tarde - Ângelo Marzano - 2´31” RJ
A grande sorte - Alex Soares - 4´ MA
Celton - O herói de BH - Dedé e Leleu - 1´ MG
Comunicoação - Paulo Fernando e Sérgio Rodrigo - 2´36’ PE
Tribal - Henrique Köpke - 4´30’ MG

63 minutos


Ensaboa mulata - Eduardo Perdido - 3´20” SP
Pulsar Quasar - Ângelo Marzano - 3 ´ RJ
A Princesa do vale - Luiza Falcão - 10´40” CE
Coisas bacanas para se fazer num dia de chuva - Eduardo Perdido - 2´ SP
Pixalation Vampire - Ronaldo Oliveira - 9´45” RJ
Trânsito - Arthur Senra - 1´ MG
Contos decrépitos - Eduardo Perdido - 3´50’ SP
Corrida de Jericó - Maria Gabriela Cruz e Romero da Fonte - 3´36” PE
Aquilo que via a si mesmo - Eduardo Perdido - 3´50” SP
Hotel - Raquel Cintra - 1´ MG
O facínora - Diego Akel - 2´48” CE
Volver - 4´14’ PE
Cheebosta - Eduardo Perdido 50” SP
Laurinha - Thomas Larson - 1´26’ SP
180 de Rádio Pernambuco - Alexandre Jordão e Marcos Buccini - 3´30” PE
Louis Vommiton - Sérgio Andrade - 1´ AM
Tambaqui Ali - Gleisson Lima e Michel Ferreira - 1´ AM
Será que ela vem? - Alexsandro Castro - 1´ AM
Piratas do Amazônia - Baseart - 1´ AM
Terra Planeta Terra - Baseart - 1´ AM
Ratos de rua - Rafael de Paula - 5´- RJ

65 minutos


PASTA - Thomás Wells - 8´ Chile
VIVENDA MULTIFAMILIAR - Andres Forero - 7´ Colômbia
MR. SCHWARTZ, MR HAZES & MR HOLOCK - Stefan Rueller - 7’30" Alemanha
SUEÑO DE UN HOMBRE ORDINARIO - Hugo Sosa - 3' Argentina
HUERITO - Eugênio Lasserre - 1' Argentina
DOGME! - Nino Rodrigues - 1´ Argentina
ELEPHANT FOR THE MASSES - Manu Martin y El niño Rodriguez- 1´20” Argentina
RUBBER JOHNNY - Chris Cunnigham - 6 ´ Inglaterra
ESQUADRÃO CHANCHO - Bulbo - 4´ Paraguay
UMA ORELHA CHEIA DE PENAS - Luis Nieto - 2´30” França
CARLITÓPOLIS - Luis Nieto - 3´10” França

45 minutos


Andrés Lieban - BRAZIL
César Maurício - BRAZIL
Gisele Lotufo - BRAZIL
Filmes Cubanos - CUBA

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