domingo, 26 de março de 2017

15th MUMIA - Open Calls


Art: Érica Maradona

Chapter I: Purpose
MUMIA – Underground World Animation Festival – is focused in promoting recent animation short films, incentivating inovation and creativity.

Chapter II: Submission
2.1 - The Festival is opened to national and international animated films, completed after 2007. Each director can submit more than one film or video, but must submit each of them with separate entry forms. Videos made in different worlds will be very well accepted too.
2.2 - Submissions are open from March 1st to April 31. Follow the instructions below:
- Fill the formulary:

- The films must be delivered in H264 only, regardless of the original format, that should be sent preferably to the email through wetransfer ( DVDs are not necessary, but if you wish to do it be sure it will be sent to the address: 15º MUMIA – Rua da Bahia, 1148, sala 1714, Centro, Belo Horizonte – MG, CEP 30190-906, Brasil.
- It is also necessary to send publicity material such as photos of the film to the email
- International films must send a dialogue list.

 Chapter III: Selection
3.1 - There will not be selection of the films and videos submitted,  but there are disqualification criteria such as:
3.2 - films that do not fit the festival's genre, according to the opinion of the festival's diretors; films not delivered in H264; international films without the dialogue list.
3.3 - Selected films and the programming will be available from August 25, 2017 in:

Chapter IV: General Information
4.1 – Preview tapes will not be returned and will be part of the Festival’s archive and can be screened  only for cultural purposes on special programmes in Brasil or other countries, including television programmes, without commercial purposes, under the director’s authorization.

4.2 - If your work is accepted into the festival, you agree to allow MUMIA to use the images of the film (sound and clips, maximum of 30”) to promote special programmes, screenings or other cultural products.
4.3 – MUMIA’s is also allowed to use pictures, photos and the publicity materials of the films to promote them in every media supports.

sábado, 25 de março de 2017

AWARDS 14th MUMIA - Brazil

1-A Orelha de Van Gogh - Thiago Franco – 10’50” -  Belo Horizonte/MG – 2015 
2- GADANTHARA - Um Fragmento da Biblioteca de Por Menores - Filipe Dilly – 7’ Belo Horizonte/MG - 2014   
3 -Matiz - Jackson Abacatu -  4’ 10” - Belo Horizonte – 2015

1 - O Último Engolervilha II         - Marão, Jackson Abacatu, Wesley Rodrigues, Luah Garcia, Pamella Araújo, Camila Kauling, Guto BR, Rüsben, Ianah Maia, Giovanna Guimarães, Jirair Garabedian, Yurii Custodio, Rosana Urbes e Maurício Castaño – 13’ - RJ/MG/GO/PE/SC, /SP,/DF/Armênia/ES/ 2016

2- O Ex-Mágico – Mauricio Nunes e Olimpio Costa - 11´11” – Recife – PE – 2016

3- Say I am only seventeen - André Catoto Dias -8'30"- SP-         2015

Mention of  honor:  Cartas - David Mussel – 4’ 48” - Rio de Janeiro- 2016


BEST SHORT: Bang Bang ! - Julien Bisaro  12' – França - 2014     

2.lugar Yùl and the snake - Gabriel Harel – 13’ 11” – França – 2016

3.lugar Erlkönig - Georges Schwizgebel               - 5'30- Suiça- 2015

Life with Herman H. Rott - Chintis Lundgren – 11’ - Estonia/Croacia- 2015           

In My Head  - Joana Locher – 7’ – Suíça

In The Distance - Florian Grolig – 7’ 30” – Alemanha – 2015

Isand – Riho Unt – 18’ – Estônia – 2015

Horse – 4’ 17” - SHEN Jie – China – 2013


Last Door South - Sacha Feiner – 14’ 21” – Belgica – 2015
A Single Life - Job, Joris & Marieke – 2’ 15” – Holanda – 2015

L'Œil du Cyclone - Masanobu Hiraoka - 5'03'' – Japão -2015